Project Learn Steering Committee


Project LEARN (Learning Enhancement through Assessment and ReflectioN) is the name of the district steering committee / Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) initiative at Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC). Project LEARN was created in response to ACCJC Accreditation Standards that measure institutional effectiveness, primarily in terms of the College’s success in producing desired SLOs at the course, program, and institutional levels.

In the Spring 2009 Accreditation visit, SRJC met all standards, but was directed to reach a level of "proficiency" in terms of achieving an outcomes-based institution by the midterm report in Fall 2012. Project LEARN comprises the college's efforts to meet that standard, as described in Part III of the ACCJC Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness (PDF).

Project LEARN Vision

SRJC is a Learning Centered Institution. The college, through Project LEARN, provides a foundation for a community of inquiry where ongoing collegial dialogue, collaborative review of evidence, and deliberate reflection support the improvement of teaching and learning.

Project LEARN Steering Committee

The Project LEARN Steering Committee is a multi-constituent standing committee that provides vision, direction, goals, communication, trainings, and support for SLOs assessment at SRJC. Details about the Project LEARN Steering Committee are described in the institutional description of Committee Structure (PDF).

The Project LEARN Steering Committee is comprised of the Outcomes Assessment Facilitator, the chairs of the other Project LEARN committees, and representatives from various constituent groups on campus. The primary function of the Project LEARN Steering Committee is to oversee the project as a whole and to set long term goals and direction.

Project LEARN Steering Committee Members (13)

Eric Thompson Committee Co-Chair
*Academic Senate President or Designee
Faculty Representative, 
Philosophy, Humanities, Religion

*Faculty SLO Coordinator,
Faculty Representative

Robert Holcomb *Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs or Designee,
Management Representative,
Dean, Language Arts & Academic Foundations
Rachael Cutcher *Vice President, Student Services or Designee,
Management Representative,
Director, Assessment Services & Student Success Technology
Joshua Adams *Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs or Designee,
Management Representative,
WOOC Senior Dean, Curriculum & Educational Support Services
(Vacant)   *Director, Office of Institutional Research,
Management Representative
Smita Avasthi Faculty Representative,
Librarian, Library and Information Resources


Project LEARN Steering Committee Agendas & Minutes

Link to Project LEARN Steering Committee Agendas & Minutes


Dissolution of the Project LEARN Committee

Link to Dissolution of the Project LEARN Committee Memo