Student Services SLO Assessment


Service Area Learning Outcomes (SALO)

Connecting our Services with Learning and Development  SRJC is committed to promoting the learning and development of all students through our student services. SLOs are woven into all of our student services departments as Service Area Learning Outcomes (SALOs). These SALOs consolidate the desired goals/learning outcomes found throughout

  1. our District Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives for Support Student Success.
  2. Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Goals.

SALOs ultimately reflect the overarching knowledge, skills, abilities, or values that students should be able to demonstrate as a result of their participation in or interaction with, an SRJC student services department.


SALO Assessments, Support, & Report

By creating a systematic and meaningful assessment of SALOs, SRJC ensures that our student services help

  1. facilitate an environment rich for student learning/development 
  2. determine our effectiveness in reaching our goals, and
  3. that we continuously meet and update our goals to meet the needs of our changing and diverse student population.

In keeping with ACCJC accreditation standards and SRJC expectations, each student services department is responsible for assessing their department's SALOs, and submitting their assessments to the district annually through the SALO Formstacks Form

For inquiries regarding SALOs, please contact:
Rachael Cutcher, Director Student Financial Services 



SALO Report Table
SALO Report (Departments, Services, and SALOs) REPORT