FAQ & Resources


Information and resources about SLO assessments are available all throughout higher education. Below, we've provided resources developed or reviewed by the SRJC community that you may find helpful for developing your own SLO assessments. In an effort to continuously evaluate and improve our resources, this page will be updated periodically. If you find that any link or attachment does not work, or if you have resources that you would like to share with the district, please do not hesitate to contact us.

SLO Creation / Development,
& General Inquiries about SLOs 
Faculty Coordinators, SLO

Smita Avasthi    savasthi@santarosa.edu

Emily Schmidt  eschmidt@santarosa.edu

Add / Remove / Change Program SLOs Curriculum Technician (Programs) Chas Crocker
707-527-4521 ccrocker@santarosa.edu 
Add / Remove / Change Course SLOs Curriculum Technician (Courses) Josh Pinaula
707-521-7886 jpinaula@santarosa.edu 
Inquiries about Student Service SLOs Director, Student Financial Services Rachael Cutcher
707-524-1639 rcutcher@santarosa.edu 
Flex Credit for SLO Assessments [Your Department Chair and/or Cluster Dean] [Learn More: Staff Resource Center website]


How to Assess Program (Certificate/Major) SLOs Anne O’Donnell & Wanda Burzycki PDA Presentation Spring 2014
Certificate/Major Map Instructions (PDF) Complete a Program Map.
Certificate/Major Map Template (Word)  

Glossary of Terminology (PDF) In 2010, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges created a glossary of terminology related to SLOs and assessment.
Assessment Methods (PDF) The most appropriate method of assessment depends on the nature of SLO(s), the size of the student group, and the structure of the course. This resource provides descriptions of various types of assessment and where they might be most appropriate.
Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy 2000, revised 2013 A more current, helpful reference of words representing levels of thinking -with a slightly different approach.
Developing and Applying Rubrics (PDF) Mary Allen, Assessment Leadership Academy, June 14, 2011
PDA Presentation on Creating and Applying Rubrics (PDF) Wanda Burzycki, PDA Workshop 2011
Basic Rubric Template (Word) This Word document form can act as a “starter format” for developing a rubric.
National Institute of Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) The website for the NILOA contains research, articles, examples, multiple perspectives, and links to many resources related to on outcomes assessment in higher education.
VALUE Rubrics, Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) This site is part of an extensive project involving authentic assessment and rubrics to assess undergraduate learning. Fifteen rubrics covering areas such as critical thinking, oral communication, and problem solving and are available for viewing and downloading. (Note: The site will ask for some minimal information from you, such as your e-mail address, to access the rubrics, but will not share this information.) The AAC&U website has many other resources about teaching and learning in higher education as well.





Can I get Flex Credit for completing SLO Assessments?

Contact your Department Chair/Cluster Dean to learn more about Flex Credit for SLO Assessments.
Learn More: Staff Resource Center website



What exactly is each instructional department supposed to be doing in terms of SLO assessment? 

The overall College expectation is that every department’s plan for its “regular cycle of assessment” is underway. This is demonstrated by accomplishing the following:

  • Creating a plan that documents courses programs that have been assessed and will be assessed over a 3-6 year cycle. This plan is kept with the department’s records and is usually shared with the supervising administrator.
  • Designating full-time faculty members to coordinate and/or conduct course assessments and determining which other instructors (full-time or part-time) will be involved in contributing data or other information.
  • Completing an SLO report through the Formstacks site at the end of the semester or academic year, according to the department plan. The form stays with department records and the supervising administrator is notified of its completion at the end of each semester.
  • Recording the department’s progress towards assessing its courses, certificate(s), and major(s) in the PRPP.
What exactly needs to be turned in to the Supervising Administrator, and when?

The department chair informs the Supervising Administrator about the plan for course and certificate/major assessment. The final report of a department’s progress in its plan is submitted as part of the PRPP in the spring.

What exactly is the obligation of full-time faculty?

For some departments, this may mean that every full-time instructor is involved in an assessment every semester. For smaller departments with fewer courses that still need assessing, this may mean that only certain full-time faculty are involved each semester.

How are adjunct faculty involved?

Part-time faculty are invited to participate in SLO assessment with department support, but their involvement is entirely voluntary.

How do I submit an SLO assessment?

Fill out the FormStacks form online!



How do we assess our major? Unlike the CTE (occupational) programs, we can’t tell how many students in any single class are majors. It seems impossible to track them all down and come up with an assessment for our major SLOs.

Yes, given our limited time and resources, it is nearly impossible to directly assess the SLOs of some majors. You should instead assess the major cumulatively, or “from the bottom up.” Use the major’s program map (found above) to do this. The map indicates which courses relate to which SLOs of the major. When you’ve completed assessing the SLOs of all the courses, you have essentially assessed all the SLOs. This can be represented in the right hand column of the map, which lists the dates when the SLOs for each course were assessed. This may take several semesters, but the department’s progress towards assessment of the major can at least be documented on the form and in the PRPP.

Also, you do not have to document the assessment of every restricted elective course. A sample of two or three would be adequate. See the Certificate/Major Assessment page for more details.

How often do we have to assess a course?

There are several answers to this question, so you can choose the one most appropriate for your situation.

  • Accreditation standards expect “a regular cycle of assessment” to be in place for all courses and programs. At SRJC, this would be about every 3-6 years, as represented in each department’s assessment plan and documented in the PRPP.
  • A department may set its own cycle, such as formally assessing one SLO a semester until they all have assessment results, and then starting over. This regular cycle may take 2-5 semesters, depending on the course, and it allows a department to track patterns, maintain a sense of the course’s effectiveness, and monitor how any curriculum or external changes might affect student achievement of SLOs. This approach is manageable when instructors teaching the course use an “embedded” (existing) assignment or exam as the assessment tool.
  • Sometimes the first assessment may reveal either flaws in the assessment process or results below expectations that need to be addressed. In this case, a course might be assessed the next semester or for several semesters as changes are made to either provide more accurate results or to change the instruction, curriculum, or other aspects of the course itself.
What exactly happens after I finish assessing a course? Does my report just go out into the ether?

It’s important that departments make the time and effort involved in assessment worthwhile by “closing the loop” after results are analyzed. The dialogue and actions in response to assessment results are an essential component of the assessment cycle.

What happens next depends on the assessment report’s conclusions and recommendations.

  • If results demonstrate that students are achieving at a level at or better than expected, instructors can confirm effective practices and report them to the department at a meeting, workshop, or department newsletter or college publication.
  • If results reveal some gaps in student learning, faculty teaching the course can discuss what changes might address this or if some research is necessary to diagnose the issues. Does the course need to change its emphasis? Should there be a prerequisite? Could certain concepts be presented in a different way? Often this kind of discussion and decisions about changes would be part of a department meeting or a department committee. Most likely, re-assessment would occur and results would be reported.
  • A broader or more formal assessment that reflects student learning patterns or how the introduction of a new element to a course might lead to a PDA flex workshop so other faculty might use that information for their own teaching.
  • A summary of the assessment, results, and faculty response could be submitted for the “Examples” page of this website.



Where can I get help writing SLOs and entering them into the Course Outline of Record (COR)?

Contact the Faculty SLO Coordinator and your department chair.

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